Thank you for inquiring! {Child Session}
Below is everything you need to know to move forward with scheduling your Child's Session. Where: Sessions take place at a location within Frederick, MD or closely surrounding. I do travel to sessions for an additionally travel charge.
What to Expect: The session lasts anywhere from 45 minutes-1.5 hours. With young children, I typically bring some special treats (if age appropriate) to give them through the session which helps with cooperation. I also encourage parents to think about some funny things that make their kids smile before they come . . . it may be spinning around, a silly song, or a favorite stuffed animal, but giving me that insight will be helpful through the session. It is always important to remember that the more fun and relaxed you are, the better the sessions typical go. PLEASE do not worry if your young child is not cooperating the way you want them to, etc. I am totally used to dealing with small children and can almost always get them smiling and interacting with some one on one encouragement and games.
What to Wear: What you wear to your session is important. You want your outfits to reflect who you are as a family while still choosing something that is timeless and will not bother you to look back on in 10 years. I recommend staying away from shiny materials, large logos/cartoon characters, and any print that would be too distracting or take away from the image. Mixing and matching patterns, textures and layers is always a fantastic idea. To find out more how to do this and some places I recommend to help get ideas, please take a look at the following links.
How Much?: A Child session fee is $175 and there is a print/product minimum purchase of $250. You will also find my 2012 Welcome Packet attached below with further details.
How Do I Move Forward?: You need to fill out my attached Questionnaire foundΒ HERE and my Contract foundΒ HERE. Once these are completed, you can either send your check or I can invoice you through Paypal for the session fee. Once the session fee is paid, your due date is put on my calendar and your time is reserved.
JNP Welcome Packet - Spring '12