
Family Jessica Neumann Family Jessica Neumann

outdoor field family session | new market, md family photographer

It was a beautiful evening in a gorgeous location with new JNP clients. I wasn’t sure this night could get much better…and then it did. It usually takes one person acting silly to pull genuine, authentic smiles out of each other! For that very reason, I love the image in the middle below.

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Family, Babies & Children, Newborn Jessica Neumann Family, Babies & Children, Newborn Jessica Neumann

studio family session | new market, md milestone photographer

This was a unique session because this newborn client was on the older side of my β€œnewborn sessions.” This family contacted me because they wanted a newborn session for their three-month-old son. I typically photograph newborns in their first two weeks of life, but I have successfully photographed older newborns many times before.

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Maternity Jessica Neumann Maternity Jessica Neumann

The Maternity Shoot Experience Everyone Deserves

As an expecting mother, you deserve nothing less than a luxurious maternity shoot experience to remember.  Whether you’re having an β€œeasy” pregnancyβ€”is there really such a thing?β€”or a difficult one, we’ve got to capture that glow!  Even if you’ve never participated in a professional photoshoot before, consider scheduling one to commemorate that beautiful baby bump.

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Newborn Jessica Neumann Newborn Jessica Neumann

Stronger than Your Average Newborn

Believe it or not, Jaxon was only 13 days old when he first came to the JNP Studio! The Baker family was looking for a newborn photographer close to their Frederick home and, luckily, they chose me. I was happy to welcome the trio this past August for what turned out to be an extraordinary experience.

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